Like every industry, the travel business has its own special jargon. That can make it easy for people in the industry to communicate, but for newcomers or outsiders the special terms, abbreviations, acronyms, slang, and nicknames can be confusing and intimidating.
So we are proud to present what we believe to be the most extensive dictionary of travel industry terms available anywhere. And if we've missed one, let us know. We'll research it, define it, and post the definition here for everyone's benefit.
To find the abbreviation, acronym, or term you're looking for, just click on the initial letter at the top of each page.
The Travel Industry Dictionary was created by Kelly Monaghan, author of Home-Based Travel Agent and other travel books. Now retired, he continues to maintain the dictionary as a service to the travel industry.
All material in the Travel Industry Dictionary is protected by copyright. While you are free to link to this Dictionary, copying or reproduction of the Dictionary is prohibited.
To find the abbreviation, acronym, or term you’re looking for, use the Search box (below) or click on any letter (above).